Certified in both EQ-i 2.0 and EQ360 assessments, I can help you or your team, evaluate how you are functioning and find ways to help you thrive.
The EQ-i 2.0 assessment is a powerful tool that allows you to take an inventory of the emotional tendencies which form the foundation of your work and relationship patterns. It is an excellent starting point for coaching as it uses detailed data to enhance self-awareness and also provides strategies for development throughout your EQ range.
The EQ360 tool is an in-depth assessment that incorporates your perspective as well as input from your team. Workplace challenges often emerge when we are showing up differently than we intend. Why do I connect with some people better than others? Why do my strengths only emerge in certain contexts? Why are people not understanding what I am asking of them? The EQ360 assessment helps illuminate where the gaps are, and how we can grow in those areas.
Ready to learn more? Book a free consultation today.